Last two days – May 3 rd and May 4th have been as usual. The situation is changing fast and until a clearer picture emerges we cannot predict the need for funds at this time. Chances are we will need more funds as many migrants are saying they don’t want to go back. Some told me “What will we do back in the village? We need to earn some money.” Of course many will go back – and we will perhaps see that in the rural areas also there will be ration and food problems for large numbers of returning migrants. But we don’t know as of now. As you may have seen in the media, there was a major stampede in Bangalore near the Majestic railway-cum Bus Station as thousands gathered in the hope of leaving. Most could not go. But they will keep trying. Traffic is slowly resuming on the streets.

One IIMB Alumnus has offered his entire cabbage crop for free if the receiver can bear the transport. It is a very handsome and generous offer. We are working out the logistics. We may take a small part of that and distribute. As mentioned earlier, even the poor may have had enough of eating only rice and dal. Thank you once again for the generous support.
Anyone interested in contributing, can send in their donations to the following: Name: Centre for Collective Development
Bank: SBI IIM Bangalore Branch A/c No: 54019812310 IFSC: SBIN0040803 Please email giving your name, PAN number, address and amount contributed. We will be happy to send you the 80G receipt so that you can avail a tax benefit.
