We were alerted on the situation on transgenders in a few pockets. The table below gives what was the requirement and what was delivered.
The gaps were because of short supply of dal, and non-availability of soap and oil on time. We will fill the gaps tomorrow onwards as supply comes in.
In addition, we bought some potatoes. Poor people need starch if they have not eaten for a long time. They also crave for dal and begged us for more. But we had very little and so committed to supplying it tomorrow onwards.
We are not counting the distribution on potatoes, beans and tomatoes in the table below. We will continue delivering tomorrow onwards again as per supply. The last few sentences below the table are also important.
What was delivered

We were surprised to see a lot of slum dwellers gathered around doing nothing when we reached Dasarahalli. As we distributed in Dasarahalli to the transgenders, a whole crowd from two nearby slums came and begged for food. On talking to them, we found that situation is very bad. We have committed to doubling our orders and focus for now only on Dasarahalli. We will try our best to fulfil the gaps above in the orders for the other places.